Thank you for purchasing the Time to Heal Digital Sandtray for your computer. The links to download the software can be found below. When you double-click the file, you will be prompted for a password. The password is written below:
Mac OS:
Password: Th3rapySoftware4All2020
Note for Mac Users:
If you are downloading the Time to Heal Digital Sandtray using the Safari web browser, you might see an error message labelled “Decompression Failed” after you download. This error occurs in Safari if the “Open Safe Files” option is enabled. When the download is completed, Safari will attempt to unzip the compressed app but return this message. To resolve this issue, disable the “Open Safe Files” option in the General tab of the Safari Settings window. The Safari Settings window can be found under the menu “Safari -> Preferences”.
Another Note for Mac Users:
When uncompressing the .zip file, you may see a message describing that “the developer cannot be verified”. Instructions from Apple for how to work around that can be found here: